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Posts from the ‘Church Planting’ Category


Worn-out Bibles

Over the Christmas holidays, my wife, six kids and I spent time in Chicago with my in-laws. When you walk into my in-laws’ house, one of the first things you notice is a large stack of worn-out family Bibles sitting on the counter. Read moreRead more


The most influential father who ever lived

He grew up in a family that served false gods.
His whole life, he constantly moved from place to place.
He took matters into his own hands when he didn’t see God keeping His promise.
He married his half sister, then fathered a child by his wife’s slave girl.
He allowed that slave girl and their son to be driven off to die in the desert.
He told half truths when it served his purpose.
His half truths exposed his wife to danger at the hands of powerful men.

Does that sound like the right resume for someone God would call “My friend”? Is it the kind of life plan a guidance counselor would put together for someone who would one day be “father of many nations,” the man from whom would come “nations and kings”? Read moreRead more


A Significant Life

My Grandpa, R. B. Reed, died last week. He lived 84 good years.

He was not a prominent man, but he lived a significant life. Let me explain… Read moreRead more


468 Marbles

About a year ago, when Jack (my oldest) turned nine years old, I began to realize how quickly he was growing up. Read moreRead more


“The Best Thing That Could Happen to Anybody”

My friend, Carl Sheffield, died yesterday. He lived a life of little fame or notoriety. However, he was “famous” to those who knew him. Not in a “Hollywood” way….but in the way he made you feel like you were a “celebrity” in his world. bro-sheffield.jpg

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